Cooperation with AIMPLAS

This summer, LINPRA – Engineering Industries Association of Lithuania, the coordinator of Lithuanian Plastics Cluster, signed a cooperation agreement with AIMPLAS · Technological Institute of Plastics, the Spanish Innovation and Technology Center, with over 30 years of research and other experience in the plastics industry.

This cooperation will provide members of the Plastics Cluster with access to AIMPLAS knowledge, an international network of contacts and services: training, seminars, studies, consultations, calls to HORIZON projects.

AIMPLAS provides solutions, technical assistance, R&D, testing, analysis and training in a wide supply chain, from raw materials to plastic product manufacturers and end users. AIMPLAS specializes in packaging, construction, automotive, recycling, agriculture, electrical engineering, aeronautics and more. sectors.


The UPSKILL training material for plastics production line operators will be available soon

The international project UPSKILL, coordinated by LINPRA, has completed an important stage – the piloting of the training material for plastics production line operators has been completed and the final improvements of the material has started.

The UPSKILL project focuses on the profession of plastics production line operators. Assessing the current economic and demographic trends, the lack of specialist skills and the development of the necessary competencies is a relevant challenge in many Lithuanian and European plastics industry companies, and there is a severe shortage of these specialists in the European plastics sector. The UPSKILL project aims to link European vocational training systems to the needs of the labour market and to create and implement innovative curricula for these professionals. The project pays special attention to the development of digital, robotics and other advanced manufacturing technology skills, as well as the development of environmental and entrepreneurial competencies.

The training material of the project was prepared by an international team of experts from Finland, France and Lithuania: competent representatives of educational institutions, business and the European Plastics Sector Association EuPC. The adaptation (piloting) phase of the prepared material took place during the last four months of 2020 in Lithuanian (Visaginas Vocational School and Alytus Vocational Training Center), Finnish (TREDU) and French (ISPA) vocational training institutions. Teachers and students involved in the piloting of the material learned theories based on the Teacher’s Book and Student’s Handbook, developed in the project, and tested the practical tasks both at schools and in plastics moulding companies.

Vytautas Petkūnas, the director of Visaginas Vocational School and a member of the LINPRA Board, is hoping for effective results and tangible benefits for the sector: “The UPSKILL project aims to fill an existing gap by providing training materials that do not currently exist and developing skills of future employees in the sector, which are currently missing. The pilot phase of the project was successful, and the prepared material proved to be relevant – both teachers and students actively tested it and applied the theory in practice ”.

One of the project experts, UAB Intersurgical Extrusion Process Manager Laimonas Bačkys also agrees: “I am happy to participate in the UPSKILL project and share my accumulated knowledge in the development of the training program. Thanks to a competent team of experts and coherent cooperation, we have really succeeded in developing an excellent training program for the profession of plastics production line operators. By acquiring this knowledge, future employees will be able to integrate into the activities of Lithuanian or European plastic moulding companies significantly faster, and the companies themselves will reduce the costs of employee qualification training”.

In order to fully involve students in the piloting of the project, their international virtual meetings were organized, during which they presented and demonstrated how piloting works in schools. Teachers were pleased that the students particularly enjoyed the activity and were motivated by the opportunity to see how the UPSKILL material was adapted and how students from other countries were doing.

After testing the textbooks and the curriculum, the project participants prepared pilot reports and suggestions for improving the training material. Material corrections will take place in the next few months, and in May 2021, teaching material (program, teacher’s book and student’s textbook) for plastics production line operators will be available in Lithuania for the first time. The training material will be freely available to all and can be used both in vocational schools and in the factories of plastics production.

At the end of the project in April, a virtual international UPSKILL conference will be organized to present the final results. All representatives of the plastics sector are invited – European educational communities, plastics companies, future employers and employees.


A cluster strategy session was held on May 19th, 2017 in Šiauliai state college, where members of the cluster and its administration gathered to discuss future plans. During the session, members shared their achievements and discussed cluster initiatives planned for by the year 2020, as well as technological challenges and possibilities for cooperation.


BBC announced some alarming statistics, concerning the production and use of plastics material.

Marine life is facing “irreparable damage” from the millions of tonnes of plastic waste which ends up in the oceans each year, the United Nations has warned. “This is a planetary crisis… we are ruining the ecosystem of the ocean,” UN oceans chief Lisa Svensson told the BBC. But how does this happen, where is most at risk and what damage does this plastic actually do?

The article estimates and explains the real situation: Why is plastic problematic? How much plastic is here? How much plastic waste ends up in the sea? How long till they’re gone? Why is plastic so harmful to marine life?

Read MORE.


A cluster strategy session was held on May 19th, 2017 in Šiauliai state college, where members of the cluster and its administration gathered to discuss future plans. During the session, members shared their achievements and discussed cluster initiatives planned for by the year 2020, as well as technological challenges and possibilities for cooperation.